Monday, February 16, 2009

Stripping-Part 1

First we laid the strips out on the floor according to colour. Using light, reddish, and dark cedar, laid out a pattern, counting out the strips so the pattern would be the same for both sides of the canoe. The first strip was tacked at the shear line and leveled across to the other side. The strips were attached using air stapler making sure the bead side was down. We ran a bead of glue in the coves to hold the strips together once the staples are removed for fiberglassing. We had to play with the compressor pressure so the the staples would stick out about 1/8".

As you can see, you get what you pay for in help these days. Laying down on the job, again!

We continued stripping up each side of the canoe, following the pattern of light and dark we had set out.

Here is where the fun begins. The strips need to be shaped and tapered to meet each other.

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